Sunday, December 29, 2013

A few freebies

Here are a few freebies I forgot to post before I came home for Christmas! I'm really crossing my fingers that my mail box will be filled up when I get back!!! 

The cookie mix was sent by Betty Crocker
Jif sent the chocolate hazelnut spread. Which on first impressions is pretty good, but I'll do a review soon on it. 
Clear men
And last but not least the 2013 Christmas seals which are soooo cute!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

questions about PINCHme? maybe this will help!

So far I have been a big fan of PINCHme.  I was so excited when they alerted me that the site was up and running (yes I pre-signed up to find out when it would be opening.  I think this is a great idea for a company.  There is a lot to be said about giving samples of a product for free and there is even more to be said for a company that can get people to actually come back and get people to fill out questions.

I love getting free samples in my mailbox.  I have a different respect for companies when they give samples away because it is a very expensive venture on their part.  So if you request samples, no matter the size of what they are giving, be thankful and remember that this is something free for you and that they are spending a lot of money.  Sample sizes take product, mailing, and they take a different packaging and packaging process.

Okay done with my little rant lol check out PINCHme, be thankful, and ENJOY!

mail call freebies December 2-7 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

mail call 11/22/13-11/30/13

freebie video 11/22/13-11/30/13

Freebie haul with coupons from 11/22-11/29

Okay I went shopping for freebies with coupons last week for the first time! I think I did pretty stinking good for my first go at it! Everything pictured I got absolutly free and in some cases actually made a little money!!